pick apart

pick apartpick apart1.把…撕成碎片, 拆散She sat on the ground, picking the pictures apart.她坐在操场上, 把照片撕成了碎片。2.〈非正〉对…吹毛求疵It was very unkind of the newspapers to pick the young singer's performance apart as they did.那些报纸对一个青年歌唱家的演出吹毛求疵, 真是太刻薄了。

pick apart1.把…撕成碎片;拆散,拆开:He picked apart an old quilt.他把一条旧被子撕得粉碎。2.把…说得一钱不值;对…吹毛求疵;对…大肆攻击:As soon as she left the room, the other girls began to pick her apart.她一离开房间,其他的女孩子就开始把她说得一无是处。
